Straighten up

The Straighten Up program is a bold and innovative health promotion initiative designed to empower the people everywhere toward better spinal health and an improved quality of life.
Consisting of a set of simple exercises and taking just minutes to complete, Straighten Up will help improve posture, stabilize core muscle groups, enhance health and prevent spinal disability. It’s easy and fun and can be completed quite briefly as a regular day-to-day practice. The 2-3 minute routine can counter poor posture, which is a common trigger for general back pain and can be undertaken by all ages.
Studies undertaken have shown an over 80% improvement in the posture of participants, ranging in age from teens to those in their eighties, after adopting the routine daily over a 5 week period. Another 78% reported that they had strengthened their core muscles. 80% reported that they sat and stood more uprightly and that their backs were more comfortable.
A number of national chiropractic associations have taken the initiative to implement a promotional campaign for the program, including the Chiropractor’s Association of Australia, the British Chiropractic Association and the Chiropractic Association of South Africa.
Visit these links to find out more: (not currently active)