public health committee
Claire JOHNSON D.C., M.S.Ed, Ph.D, D.A.C.B.S.P, F.I.C.C. (United States, WFC North America region)
Claire has served as chair of the PHC since 2019. With a PhD in public health epidemiology, she a longstanding member of the American Public Health Association. She is a member of the Global Spine Care Initiative, a research think tank dedicated to reducing the burden of spine care in underserved communities. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Journal of Chiropractic Medicine and Journal of Humanities. She is a professor at National University of Health Sciences.
Mustafa AGAOGLU B.S., D.C. (Türkiye, WFC Eastern Mediterranean region)
Mustafa has served on the PHC since 2015. He is the President of the Turkish Chiropractic Association and a past president of the international chiropractic sports federation, FICS. He worked for many years at Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey, and made a major contribution to the establishment of the chiropractic program. In 2022, he began working as a clinical tutor at AECC University College in the UK. He has a particular interest in sport, exercise and physical activity.
Dawn DANE Ed.D, M.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons) (Australia, WFC Pacific region)
Dawn is the head of course in the chiropractic department at Central Queensland University in Australia. During her career, she has worked in a number of countries, including the UK, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Australia. She has a doctorate degree in education and broad experience of cultural and public health matters.
Kendrah DA SILVA M.Dip.Tech (Chiro) (South Africa, WFC Africa region)
Kendrah is the WFC Board of Directors liaison to the PHC. She is the WFC Vice-President and sits on its Executive Committee. She is a member of faculty in the Department of Chiropractic at the University of Johannesburg. She is a three-term Past President of the Chiropractic Association of South Africa.
Faye DEANE B.Sc. (Hons), M.P.H (United Kingdom, WFC Europe region)
Faye is a member of faculty at one of the world's newest chiropractic programs at Teesside University. As well as her chiropractic qualification, Faye has a Masters degree in international public health. She has many years experience in private practice and has served as Team Chiropractor to professional sports clubs. She has undertaken humanitarian work in Chile, and Malawi, where she worked in extremely underserved communities.
Elga DREWS M.Dip.Tech (Chiro), M.Dip (Hom), C.C.S.P. (Namibia, WFC Africa region)
Elga is a chiropractor and homeopath who is based in Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia. Since 2006, she has served as the president of the Namibian Chiropractic Association. For five years (2016-2021) she was the President of the African Chiropractic Federation. Her public health experience has seen her lead trips to rural parts of Namibia to provide support to underserved communities. She has also been a keen advocate of World Spine Day.
David PEEACE B.Sc., D.C., C.Dir. (Canada, WFC North America region)
David is a past chair of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. He has previously served on the WFC Board of Directors. David is in private practice in Estevan, Saskatchewan. A First Nations member, he was the first indigenous chiropractor to practice in the province of Saskatchewan, running a practice at the Yellow Quill reserve, and has a lived experience of public health matters in indigenous communities. David has held multiple leadership positions over the past decades.
Mayda SERRANO B.S, M.Ed., Ed.D(c), D.C. (Puerto Rico, WFC Latin America region)
Mayda is a past president of Puerto Rico Chiropractors' Association. She is the Associate Director of Clinical Affairs and Research at the Universidad Central del Caribe. She has significant experience working in her community as a private practitioner and in a regional hospital. Her current role involves working interprofessionally with other health care providers. Mayda is currently undertaking a doctorate o education (EdD) degree. She serves as a mentor to her institutions chapter of the World Congress of Chiropractic Students.
Alli TOTZKE B.S., D.C. (United States, WFC North America region)
Alli has held a number of leadership positions within the profession, including president of the Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA). She was the recipient of numerous prizes and scholarships, including the President's Excellence Award. Alli serves on the American Chiropractic Association Public Health Care Advisory Board. She is also a committee member for the ACA's NextGen and chairs the Public Relations Committee for the Unified Virginia Chiropractic Association.
Yi Kai WONG B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc. (PH) (Malaysia, WFC Asia region)
Yi Kai is the chiropractic program director at the International Medical University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Besides his chiropractic qualification, he has a Masters in Public Health. He has held a number of leadership positions within the Association of Chiropractic Malaysia, including those of vice-president and president. Yi Kai has also made significant contributions to World Spine Day in Malaysia, organizing a number of public health campaigns. In 2017, he was honored for innovation in community service.
Professor Richard Brown, DC, LL.M, JP, FRCC, FBCA, FEAC
Ex-officio member
WFC Secretary-General
Richard Brown is the Secretary-General of the World Federation of Chiropractic. Based in Toronto, Canada, Richard took up his new post on 1 July 2015. The WFC, an NGO in official relations with WHO, has 88 members in 7 world regions and is principally concerned with the support, empowerment, promotion and unity of the chiropractic profession internationally.