Our principles
Our Principles
For over 30 years the World Federation of Chiropractic has been at the forefront of the global development of chiropractic. Representing the interests of the profession in over 90 countries worldwide, the WFC has advocated, defended and promoted the profession across its 7 world regions. These WFC Principles set out who we are, what we stand for, and how chiropractic as a global health profession can impact on nations so that populations can thrive and reach their full potential.
Our 20 principles
1. We envision a world where all people, of all ages, in all nations, can access the benefits of chiropractic.
2. We are driven by our mission to advance awareness, utilization and integration of chiropractic internationally.
3. We believe that science and research should inform care and policy decisions and support calls for wider access to chiropractic.
4. We maintain that chiropractic extends beyond the care of patients to the promotion of better health and the wellbeing of our communities.
5. We champion the rights of chiropractors to practice according to their training and expertise.
6. We promote evidence-based practice: integrating individual clinical expertise, the best available evidence from clinical research, and the values and preferences of patients.
7. We are committed to supporting our member national associations through advocacy and sharing best practices for the benefit of patients and society.
8. We acknowledge the role of chiropractic care, including spinal adjustment, to enhance function, improve mobility, relieve pain and optimize wellbeing.
9. We support research that investigates the methods, mechanisms, and outcomes of chiropractic care for the benefit of patients, and the translation of research outcomes into clinical practice.
10. We believe that chiropractors are important members of a patient's healthcare team and that interprofessional approaches best facilitate optimum outcomes.
11. We believe that chiropractors should be responsible public health advocates to improve the wellbeing of the communities they serve.
12. We celebrate individual and professional diversity, inclusion and equity and represent these values throughout our Board and committees.
13. We believe that patients have a fundamental right to ethical, professional care and the protection of enforceable regulation in upholding good conduct and practice.
14. We serve the global profession by promoting collaboration between and among organizations and individuals who support the vision, mission, values and objectives of the WFC.
15. We support high standards of chiropractic education that empower graduates to serve their patients and communities as high value, trusted health professionals.
16. We believe in nurturing, supporting, mentoring and empowering students and early career chiropractors.
17. We are committed to the delivery of congresses and events that inspire, challenge, educate, inform and grow the profession through respectful discourse and positive professional development.
18. We believe in continuously improving our understanding of the biomechanical, neurophysiological, psychosocial and general health effects of chiropractic care.
19. We advocate for public statements and claims of effectiveness for chiropractic care that are honest, legal, decent and truthful.
20. We commit to an EPIC future for chiropractic: evidence-based, people-centered, interprofessional and collaborative.
The WFC’s Principles are available for download and distribution in English, French and Spanish:
WFC Principles EnglishWFC Principles FrenchWFC Principles Spanish